Tuesday 29 December 2020

Best Opportunity Missed in Mac20-May20: What The Hell Were In My Mind?

Finally, year 2020 comes to an end. 

Everyone in the world will remember it as a pandemic year. What have you learnt from this turbulent year?

To me, I'm grateful that so far I have not been negatively affected by this pandemic. My family and I are still in one piece and I still have my job.

Malaysia implemented its nationwide lockdown (MCO) on 18th Mac 2020. Surely it was a new experience for all Malaysians.

I still need to travel to work though, and I like the feeling of driving on roads without other vehicles.

At the same time, we had a scary stock market and oil price crash on top of the back door government change.

What have I done and what was in my mind at that time?

Monday 21 December 2020

Case Study: Property Investment No.5

My last property purchase was back in April 2012, which was more than 8 years ago.

My in-laws used to stay in relative's house. When that house was sold, they were forced to rent a house.

Instead of paying rentals every month, I thought it's better to get a house and pay the loan. 

So I decided to buy a house in the same area of my house for them.

At that time, developer was planning to build apartment priced above RM230k there, and 8-year-old landed freehold single storey terrace houses there were asking for around RM130k.

My instinct told me to grab one before it's too late.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Master: Can History Repeat Itself?


After plastic packaging, furniture and EMS sector, recently another manufacturing segment seems to gain more attention.

It is corrugated carton box packaging.

KLSE listed stocks in this industry include Master-Pack, PPHB, Ornapaper, KYM, Muda & Boxpax. 

D'nonce is also involved in corrugated carton box manufacturing but it also has other paper & plastic packaging products.

The share price of D'nonce has gained handsomely since early Aug20 due to its supply to medical gloves companies. It doesn't seem to respond much recently may be because it follows the gloves trend more.

Anyway, the upcoming quarterly result of D'nonce to be announced later this month is worth to keep an eye on.

Is the carton box theme coming back since staging a rally in 2019?

Thursday 3 December 2020

My Portfolio Nov20

Summary for November 2020

Portfolio @ End of Nov20

November 2020 is an unbelievable month for me. My overall portfolio gains 30% in a month which is a record high.

I have never had such result in my entire investment journey though it might be common for some readers especially those with only one or two stocks in their portfolio. 

My previous record monthly positive gain was 20% in April this year when all stocks staged a V-shape rebound from rock bottom.

The main reasons for this record monthly gain is none other than SCIB, JAKS and KPOWER.