Monday, 3 March 2014

My Portfolio Feb14

Summary for February 2014

February 2014
Numbers of stocks 8
Cash/Share ratio 0
Share Bought Latitud @ 2.08, 2.40, 2.69

Matrix @ 3.71
Share Sold Tambun-WA @ 0.96 (all)

Overall  (In %)
Unrealized Gain 65.5
Portfolio Return Feb14 15.4
KLCI Return Feb14 1.7
Portfolio Return 2014 12.3
KLCI Return 2014 -1.7

Stock Portfolio @ End of Feb14

Core Portfolio
Stocks Average Latest G/L (%)
TAMBUN 0.77 1.71 122.1

Satellite Portfolio
Stocks Average Latest G/L (%)
GTRONIC 2.43 3.30 35.8
INARI 0.73 1.88 157.5
LATITUD 1.98 2.61 31.8
MATRIX 3.13 3.75 19.8
SCIENTEX 5.47 5.68 3.8
TROP 1.89 1.36 -28.0
YOCB 0.69 0.995 44.2


  • Sold all Tambun-WA. However, Tambun-WA's warrant price jumped 30% immediately after I have sold all....
  • Collect a little more Matrix's shares in anticipation of good news from latest quarter's result, but...
  • Buy more Latitude's shares as planned.
  • Overall, achieve portfolio return of 12.3% in 2014, temporarily outperforms KLCI's -1.68%, mainly due to Tambun & Inari.

  • To continue plan to promote Latitude to core portfolio.
  • To seriously save some cash reserve, might need to sell some shares.


  1. Your portfolio return is realized or unrealized?

    So you still investing 100%?

  2. Portfolio return includes both realized & unrealized.
    Yes, still 100%...
