Recently oil & gas sector seems to be quite robust as Petronas is expected to award more contracts in the near future. It plans 300 facilities improvement projects yearly from 2024 to 2026.
Many O&G stocks have made significant gain in share price since the end of Dec23. However, the two O&G stocks in my portfolio (Hibiscus & T7Global) did not move too much.
Petronas did mention that "significant increase is expected for plug & abandon activities in 2024". I think T7Global should be one of the potential beneficiaries for this P&A jobs, isn't it?
On 23 Jan24, Petronas announced that it has awarded 7 new PSCs (Production Sharing Contracts) under the Malaysia Bid Round 2023.
It is expected to garner more than RM1.3bil worth of capital investment (only?) to the country in the form of exploration work activities.