The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has been here for one year. I'm sure that almost everyone in the world wants it to end as soon as possible.
Now we Malaysians have a good chance to put all these miseries to bed, as our Covid-19 vaccination program has just started.
However, I find that some of those who are very scared of being infected with Covid-19 virus are reluctant to get themselves vaccinated.
Most of them want to wait and see first (if someone die from vaccination).
I think that this kind of mentality is common, probably due to influences of "news" from social medias which have been widely shared and circulating around.
"Four people died after vaccination", "XX country reports 30 death after vaccination", "Doctor or nurse died a few days after vaccination", "Someone paralyzed after receiving the jab" and so on.
For those pure headlines readers, they would probably be very scared of Covid-19 vaccines. However, if we read further, it's actually nothing to be worried about, at least until this moment.